Agency Business Systems, Inc – Streamline your agency operation

Advanced insurance agency management solutions trusted since 1995.

CRM for insurance

The primary goal of CRM systems is integration and automation of sales, marketing, and customer support. They typically have a dashboard that gives an overall view of the three functions on a single customer view, a single page for each customer. – Digested 10/22/2023 from Wickipedia – Customer relations management

The CRM dashboard they referred to is our software’s Account screen. It has information such as name, address and general contact info. It also has the other key elements that support efficient customer relations. Basically, everything needed for great customer support located right here, in one place. The appointment calendar is displayed alongside the account screen. That completes more than the basic CRM requirements.


Policy counts and a comprehensive policy summary give at-a-glance info, by Line of Business. It’s easy to see active, inactive, and prospect policies for the account. Having all this information visible without changing screens is the most effective way for an agent or CSR to know which LOB should be promoted. From that same Account Screen, email can be sent, as can letters and text messages.

Customer Support

Also, without leaving the Account Screen, there are tabs that display family members (or employees for commercial), claim history, pending tasks for the account, an activity log, premium finance details, and an email history. The Activity Log is a record of things done with, or for the account. Log entries cannot be altered, which makes it credible as legal evidence.


The Account Screen gives all the information you need to know when to ask for the order. Every contact is an opportunity to increase policies per household. Additionally, there are several advanced, and very flexible marketing tools built into the program. Please see this website’s section on marketing.