Agency Business Systems, Inc – Streamline your agency operation

Advanced insurance agency management solutions trusted since 1995.


ACORD Form automation.

Over 600 forms are built into ABS. Most fields on those forms are filled in with information already available in the customer and policy data. Details, not just name and address. Carrier name, NAIC number, insurable risk, policy dates, coverage limits, business description, lenders, and certificate holders are just a few of the things that are automatically entered not to mention your digital signatures. Forms can be printed or emailed, and supplements can be attached to the same email. Form creation is automatically logged in the client’s Activity Log to protect against E&O claims. Forms can be saved and modified without losing the original form. That creates a running history. They can be archived directly to our Document Manager with a single mouse click.

database queries

Never a need to write code or a script. Over 150 predefined (canned) queries can be run as-is, or they can be easily filtered and sorted to produce the exact information you need. When you see the results you want, you can print mailing labels, print a report, do a mass-mail, or export to several different file formats including spreadsheets. You can do any of these with a single mouse click. There is literally no easier way to get information, and customized reports from your own data.

Appointment Calendar

One of the big advantages of the ABS calendar is that it can be used by everyone in the office. Each person can keep their own personal schedule. However, all appointments can be viewed side by side in day, week, or month view. When setting an appointment with a customer, their information is automatically entered directly from the database. You don’t have to type it or take the time to look up the address.

Letters & Word Processing automation.

A full featured word processor is included, and so is our extensive letter library (canned letters). Any one of our standard, insurance related letters can be created in under a minute. Reinstatement instructions, claim acknowledgment letters, policy cover letters, cancellation letters, and many more well worded letters can be printed, or emailed in seconds. That’s because policy and client info is entered for you, directly from the database – no typing required.

Custom Letter Library

In addition to the standard letters, you can create your own letter library. Many agents create their own letters to be used in Marketing Campaigns, and other activities that are exclusive to them. It’s easy.

Additional Automation

Tasks can be triggered, or information can be automatically entered by double-clicking hundreds of different fields. For example, double click a new policy’s inception date, and today’s date will be entered, as will the renewal and expiration dates. All three fields, one double-click. That kind of automation is found on every screen throughout the entire program. Double-click a policy’s carrier, and the browser opens to that carrier’s web page so you can lookup coverage.

Carrier Gateway

The ABS Carrier Gateway is a built in, custom web browser. It opens when the carrier name is double-clicked for any policy. It opens the carrier’s website in order to lookup, verify, or update policy coverage. The information needed to access policy details is located in the browser’s footer. Things like insured name, account number, policy number, carrier’s user id, password. Each can be dragged and dropped into the appropriate field on the carrier’s website, or easily copied and pasted.

The ABS Carrier Gateway is normally more current and accurate than carrier downloads because most carrier’s websites reflect the current state of the policy. Downloads only give information available a while after the policy change was made. That could be anywhere from a day to a week old.

Document Management

Our Document Manager is often referred to as a paperless office. It automatically assigns documents to the account to avoid misfiling. Documents can be linked to policies or family members to assure automatic document relocation in the event of a split household (divorce, grown child moves out, etc). Documents can be scanned, imported, pasted, or dragged and dropped. Any standard document type can be stored; photos, Adobe Acrobat documents (.pdf), Microsoft Word documents, etc. Graphic images (photos) can be edited to adjust contrast and brightness, crop, shrink, rotate, and more. Documents are stored with client information for easy document retrieval.

Receipt Manager

ABS Receipt Manager simplifies receiving premium payments by entering all the needed info directly from the database. This lowers the chance of human error because there is very little typing needed. Single receipts can be issued for multiple policies, even from different carriers. You get end-of-day settlement reports that summarize transactions by Carrier & Client and give a grand total to help manage Trust Accounts. Anti-fraud safeguards are included. Receipts can be issued by more than one employee at the same time when your office is busy.