Agency Business Systems, Inc – Streamline your agency operation

Advanced insurance agency management solutions trusted since 1995.

ABS Blog expanded.

Starting with version this blog has been expanded to inform and train you about new program features. In the past, whenever there’s been a big change, we’ve sent bulk email to all offices. Some of those emails go to the spam folder, some are just ignored, and others only go to one person who fails to pass the info along. Just documenting new stuff in the user manual is not good enough because there hasn’t been a good way to let everyone know about the revision, and frankly, some people don’t read the manual anyway.

We’ve known about these issues for a long time and have been frustrated trying to get the word out. Starting now, we plan to put those kinds of announcements in this blog, even some tutorials. To make sure the word gets out, the program will let you know when something new has been posted. We’ve never used the blog in this way before, so everyone will be notified about this change. The notifications are not going to nag you, but they will remind you periodically until you actually pull up the blog.

So why are we doing this? We are doing it for you. We often get requests for a feature to be added to ABS, because the user doesn’t know that feature has been available for years. The sad part of that is the amount of frustration they have gone through before calling. We hope this expanded blog will help everyone get more out of the program and be more efficient in the process.